
2012 年 2 月 6 日 月曜日

スペインのペンギン スペインのペンギン





コメント / トラックバック 5 件

  1. ヌリア より:

    the store is a pharmacy and medicines for diseases announces winter.

  2. 上田一生 より:

    >>ヌリア 様
    Many many thanks for your hot penguin information in Spain!! Do you have also sever cold winter in your country ? Here in Japan I am almost frozen!!

  3. ヌリア より:

    おはようございます 上田ー生
    It is so cold in España!!! The weather in Almeria in the south of España is more hot but in the rest of the country is very cold.
    I hope to see you in España someday. You are invited for us, Eduardo and me to came at home. There are a lot of diferents and beautifuls birds here in Almería. You will like it.

  4. 上田一生 より:

    >>ヌリア 様
    >>エドアルド(Eduardo) 様

    Buenos dias!!
    It is the first time I heard where you are in Espa~na. Almeria is at the coast of Mediterranean Sea and very close to the Alhambra in Granada city?
    Probably cold winter northern wind is blocked by Siera Nevada so Almeria people enjoy the paradise winter weather!!(^o^)v!!
    Thank you very much for your very kind invitation to Almeria(^○^)!! Yes!! It is my dream to meet you in your beautiful home town hopefully in the near future!!
    As I would like to watch your homeland birds I will be looking for a chance to get vacation(^○^)!! Please give my best wishes to Eduardo(^o^)v!!

  5. ヌリア より:

    Roquetas de mar, next to Almería city, is our new home town. I can see Sierra Nevada from my house and it is white, for the snow :))
    This place is near to Granada, we will there the next month to see la Alhambra.
    Kisses and we wait for you.
    さようなら 上田ー生

